Additive Metal Chemical Post-processing

Whatever your industry, Tech Met has a solution for your metal post processing needs

Post process finishing can make or break the best designs. Tech Met solutions are designed for aggressive removals within tight tolerances to allow for a uniform surface that permits interpretability while minimizing the risks of hydrogen pick-up and grain boundary attack.
A key partner in the supply chain of traditionally manufactured aerospace and medical components, Tech Met is uniquely positioned to provide post processing services for additively manufactured metal hardware.
Tech Met began working with 3D printed alloys more than a decade ago to provide advanced methodologies for high quality post processing. Today, Tech Met is providing chemical milling and surface treatment services for some of the world’s most advanced additive applications including NASA rocket engines.

Tech Met solutions have been used successfully on medical implants both additive and traditionally machined. Tech Met’s patented and proprietary surfaces promote osteogenesis.
Chemical post processing of internal and external support structures on printed Inconel 718

Chemically milled surfaces on titanium implants
Chemical Post processing can improve the quality of parts and ensure that they meet their design specifications. These finishing processes can enhance a part’s surface characteristics, geometric accuracy, aesthetics, mechanical properties, and more. Some typical applications for Tech Met’s chemical printed alloy surface treatment operations are:
Long term fatigue improvement
Removal of surface scale
Surface roughness reduction
Surface preparation for penetrant inspection
Removal of internal and external support structures
Removal of surface particles and powder entrapment
Download our whitepaper on the advantages of chemical post-process on additive manufactured parts below.
Available today on a wide variety of alloys and high temperature corrosion resistant alloys including:
Titanium alloys
Aluminum alloys
Inconels 718 /625
Steel alloys
Niobium C103
Cobalt Chrome Moly
Haynes Alloys
As the additive manufacturing industry continues to evolve and mature, Tech Met will continue to take the lead in providing cutting edge solutions.

Chemical post processing of internal and external support structures on printed Inconel 718

Post Processing - A closer look

Post processing of Cobalt Chrome shows dramatic reduction in surface particles and surface Ra improvement. The nodules of powder in the left hand view are essentially gone at .008" removal. Bonded metal structure underneath is now visible in right side view.
Particle Removal Printed Cobalt Chrome
Tech Met can provide an effective, economical solution for your post processing requirements and is available for a wide variety of high temperature alloys.
Printed A205 Aluminum Alloy (lPre-etch left view, Post-etch on right )

Whatever your metal post processing needs, let Tech Met work with your team to provide a unique solution to hardware realization and stabilization.
Surface topography pre and post milled on printed Titanium 6:4, 0.001” removal